About Duroc d'Olives

Tender, healthy and exceptionally tasty: these are the three most valuable qualities of Duroc d’Olives pork.
Duroc varken 1920

The Duroc pig

Instantly recognisable

The Duroc pig differs from its counterparts because of its red coat and drooping ears. However, not all Durocs have the red coat, which varies from a light golden yellow to a very dark brown mahogany colour. Other pig breeds simply don’t have this range of colours. This is what makes Durocs so special, to say the least!

Pig feed

We are what we eat

This saying goes not only for us, as human beings, but also for the pigs, which depend on having a healthy diet. With the collaboration of University of Ghent specialists, we developed a feed formulation for our pigs based on in-depth research. So we focused on three pillars:


Duurzaamheid & Innovatie​

Het kwaliteitslabel dat Duroc d’Olives draagt, garandeert lekker, mals en sappig varkensvlees. Dat culinaire genot blijft voor ons een belangrijk streven. Maar er is meer. Via ons productproces dragen wij gegarandeerde voedselveiligheid, optimaal dierenwelzijn en de huidige milieunormen hoog in het vaandel.

Duroc d'Olives slager worden?

Duroc d’Olives slager zijn brengt je heel wat voordelen op! We bieden kwalitatieve producten aan en ondersteunen je in je communicatie.

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Tasty Treats, your delicious inspirational magazine

Craving some tasty reading material? Discover our delicious inspirational magazine stuffed with tasty recipes, fun Duroc d’Olives facts and our irresistible range of fresh meat and charcuterie. Enjoy!

Duroc d'Olives 2016